Hacker’s Featured Game | The Asteroid Field
Ground Control to Major Tom... there's a lot of asteriods out here!
This week's featured game of the week is out of this world! In this Game Dev game, you get to blast off into the asteroid field in your own tiny spaceship. Fire your engines and pilot your ship through space to safely land into the blue wormhole at the other end.
But WATCH OUT! Your journey won't be without its challenges. As you navigate your spaceship, huge asteroids will be an obstacle between you and your portal to another dimension!
As you progress in points, more asteroids will appear making your quest more dangerous!
Ready to show your skills as an astronaut? Head over to your dashboard to get started on your guided or unguided hacks in the game!
Hackers will be able to change the game's code through code blocks in Scratch. With the code card in your game, you can embark on guided hacks to tweak and transform the game to your heart's content. Want your spaceship to zoom through space even faster? Increase the asteroid count for more obstacles? Or perhaps you fancy shrinking the wormhole to a pinpoint for an even bigger challenge? It's up to you to decide!
Your creativity is as endless as space itself! Design your own spaceship, swap asteroids for goofy aliens, or even introduce entirely new elements to the game.
Ready to join the fun? Click the link below to become a member of the Game Dec Club and gain access to a new and exciting game every week.
Join the Game Dec Club and start coding and creating games: Join Game Dev Club
See you in the club, space explorers!