Half Term Game Jamminggg!
A little round up of what happened over May Half Term!

Ant from The Code Zone here to give you a quick roundup of all things Game Dev club with us over the half term. Yesterday your boys and girls had the option to either get cracking with the second week's guided hack on our current featured game 'Dungeon of Doom' or dive into working on their own fresh and unique project through the Game Jam.
This half term's Game Jam has come with the latest theme of 'EVOLUTION'. I say this every half term and I'll happily say again that I would encourage all take part who fancy the opportunity to put all that they've learned over the last few months into action. Not only is it a chance to reinforce our learning but in my biased opinion (as someone who loves all things and topics game dev) it's jolly good fun too.
A few notable pieces of work that have come to fruition so far include a planet that grows and transforms as time passes, an ant simulator where the minuscule arthropods get smarter as they collect more food and even a range of Pokemon-style evolution animations.
A common statement that I hear from new or perhaps slightly nervous coders is 'I don't know how to start'.
To this, I always say 'just pop us a message on what you would like to build and we'll walk you through it.'
This goes doubly so for anyone who's tempted to partake and thinks that it sounds like a blast but is apprehensive about taking those first steps, just reach out through your Code Zone Dashboard, it's what we're here for and we love to help!
I hope all our members had a cracking half term and best of luck to any entering their exam periods!