Minecraft Round Up - (and update!) - Let's Take the Castle 🏰
We are shaking things up in our Minecraft Mod Club!

Thank you all for your wonderful feedback - we are listening and are making our Minecraft builds more accessible and more fun for all ages and abilities. We are moving away from our previous episodes to shorter, more concise clips and tutorials. Jaz will continue to introduce each week's new mod for us but with the addition of short clips embedded into your code card. These short clips will show you step by step on how to build each Minecraft mod to ensure you have all the knowledge you need to create each week's exciting new mod. We also have some more exciting changes happening to our Minecraft Mod Club in the upcoming weeks so be sure to watch this space for all new updates.
In the meantime, be sure to check out this week's new mod for Mini Game Mini Game world 'Code Carnival': Take the Castle. Similar to outdoor games such as capture the flag, this mod has us building an enemy controlled fort - a Pillager controlled castle to be precise - which we the players will try to take for our own! Using our 'Fill with' code block, we can choose a building block of our choice and generate the base of the castle before hollowing it our with the 'Fill with: Air' code block. We also create a 'Beacon Position' variable to help us control where our enemies will spawn from. in addition, we also use that variable in a boolean which checks if the beacon has been destroyed or not by the players; if the beacon is still intact then enemies will spawn at its position and if not then the players have won - very cool!
The great thing about this mod is that it can be edited and modified in many ways - the castle can be as big or as small as you want it, so long as the beacon position is within its walls, and the building block can be anything you put your mind to! The enemy can also be a monster spawn of your choice from zombies to piglins to even creepers... which would be hilarious as they would likely destroy the beacon themselves by accident - instant win! One of our favourite parts of this mod is the 'Give Weapon' function which is coded to arm players with anything they desire. So whether you prefer to use a bow and arrow or the diamond sword, you will be taking back that castle no matter what!
Thank you to all once again for your feedback. We always want to make our clubs as enjoyable and accessible as possible and your feedback is the key to that.
Until next time, happy building!