Tom's round up Jan 23rd
A big welcome to new teammates, a quick update of the hacks from last week, and the game coming up this week in the Game Dev Club!

If you don't know me, I'm Tom! One of the mentors and I make a lot of the projects both online and offline. A lot has happened the in past seven days but, I'll try to keep it brief!
This weeks game was "Turret Defender", a tower defence game. After many requests for this classic strategy game subgenre, we finally made one. Given how insanely good the hacks to the game were, we really should have done this sooner! There were plenty of upgradable turrets, new types of enemies and wiggly paths going all over the place.
Two new teammates also joined this week: Caitlin and Lee. They've part of the content team and will be making plenty of projects for you all to try. It's great to have them on board.
Coming up, next week's game is "Sky High Speedy", a lane-based infinite runner with plenty of potential hacks. Plus a look at playing sounds in projects, a targeting mechanic and a "Splat" project.
As always, just give us a shout if you need anything.