We declare the Winter Olympics 2022, OPEN!
Join us here at The Code Zone for two weeks of cool Winter Olympics coding projects!
To kick things off, we present to you the Opening Ceremony!
It's the start of the Winter Olympics 2022, Beijing!
Join us here at The Code Zone for two weeks of cool Winter Olympics coding projects!
We have three new badges available for you to collect - it's hard to imagine anything other than Olympic medals for this. They are available for the next two weeks, so get coding.
To get bronze - collect 10
For silver - collect 40
And for glorious gold, 75 !
To get loads of stars and XP, complete Hacks in your games and let your mentor know (through the help bubble). If you're unsure how, or what to do, let us know too and we'll get you setup.
For now, enjoy the (un)official Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony!